Welcome to the new site.

Time for a fresh new start. This June we release the decade-in-waiting sequel to The Legend of Lady MacLaoch. The story is tight, the characters more vivid than you remember and worth the wait. The Legend of the Viking release date is yet to be announced, but expect presales to start end of May for a full release this June, 2022.

With all the newness, we here at Becky Banks Books (headquarters of author Becky Banks and decade old publishing firm, Haiku Press) wanted to start things off with a new web platform - thanks SquareSpace! - new look, and new web address! beckybanksbooks.com. Isn’t that lovely and unexpected? It had NOTHING to do with a catastrophic failure on the GoDaddy platform. (Coughs into hand to cover what sounds like fuckyougodaddy.)

May I be the first to welcome you to our new platform and the excitement that is sure to come.

Welcome, lose yourself to the words and find yourself in love.

Becky Banks

Romance author, kamaʻāina, mama, whiskey drinker, and excellent high-fiver.


Welcome Back to Scotland